Nana: Fashion has infinite possibilities, and new power is born from it. As a carrier of culture and times, fashion encompasses everything. From trendy to traditional culture, from celebrities, idols to everyone’s daily life, and from West to East, it is our discourse, our power, our time. Through Asian Voice, we hope to spread the local Asian fashion culture to the world by moving cross languages and borders.
In this issue, we welcome Sundae School, a streetwear brand founded by Dae Lim from Korea, based in the U.S. The brand has shown a unique rebellious temperament since its inception, and the design is often incorporated with a sense of street rebellion such as pipes and tattoos, allowing history, tradition, and youth to collide and show the brand’s unique beliefs.
The community behind the brand is a group of people: “High Achieving Degenerates”, who work hard, play hard, and are proud of their work and keep the effort, while at the same time not forgetting to play hard and treat themselves. At Sundae School, you can take a break from the stress and rush but just chill.
Nana: What is the story behind Sundae School? How did you initially found it and named it Sundae School?
Dae Lim: I quitmyjobatMcKinsey at my 25,whichisaconsultingcompany.Iwas inbed at home and then mymomwasknockingonmydoor and keptbeinglike wakeupyoulazybitch!AndIwish badly that shewouldjustsmokeweedandchill.Becauseshe’ssuchatigermom.
And Ihadathoughtinmyhead: WhatifGodisKoreanandsmokedweedeverydayandcreatedthisworld? Andwhatifthat’sthealternateuniversewheremymomisthatGod. Obviously in my life growing up under a very strict mom, and she was always like the world of the truth.
Then the brand born in the attemption of imagination of this world at that time.InameditSundayschoolbecausemynameis Dae andwewantedtohavethatreligiousauthority,butalsothestyleofschool.
So welaunchedaroundfiveyearsago. It’s been incredible for us.
Nana: Wow, a church!
Dae Lim: Not a real church but a church of “High Achieving Degenerates”. High achieving means someone who’s really proud of their work that they put out to the world. And degenerate is a term for someone who drinks a lot or smoke, just someone who knows how to have fun.
Especiallypeopleinourgenerationsworkhard,playhard. We wanted to create a world where you can work hard and chill hard.
Nana: That is interesting! Before you created the brand, did you have any background in fashion?
Dae Lim: Not at all. IactuallywenttoHarvard and I studiedmath.
Nana: Wow, that is the opposite than what I thought!
Dae Lim: Yes, I don’t use math at all now! AllIdoiswriting TikTok scripts,anddesigninganddrawing.
Nana: IknowthatyourbrandsrightnowhavingalotoffollowersonInstagram, it getting hype. I know it’sverydifficult for thebrands in California, because it’quitecompetitive there.
Dae Lim: We’reverygratefulandIthinktheonlyreasonisbecausewehaveourcommunitybehindourback. Wereallyfocusonagain,ourcommunityof “High Achieving Degenerates”, on whatthey’reinterestedin, such aswheretoeatortosmoke.
And basedonourteamandmypersonalstoriesofbeingAsian, an AsianAmerican, animmigrant. We are not ashamed of who we are and we propagate that pride out the world through our products.
Nana: What motivated you the most when you decided to found the brand?
I’vealwayslovedfashionbutI’veneverdoneanythingclosetofashion.WillIhaveregretswhenI’mdoingitwhenI’m40?or50orwhen I have a family? Justpictures. I was 25 then and decided to start it right away.
Nana: How did you come up with the collection every time?
Dae Lim: The very firststeponeistogethigh. ThenIjuststartwritingdown.Ilovepoems soIjuststartrightwriting,writing,writingandIlovetoice
So itstartsoutabunchofdifferentwordsand then fromthere, I startgoingthroughbooks, the image, the artiststhatIlike andthenjuststartcompilingontodifferent, and veryunorganized and broadconcepts.
Forinstance,thissummer,wewantedtomakeitaboutdreams.Because we’realldreamerswishingforafuturetoturnoutcertainways.Andthenweallcollectivelytalkaboutthedreamsthatwehave. Oneofthedreams,becauseweIliveinLA,is about theHollywood.
It’s about fameandmedia etc., butthere’salsothedarksideofthosedreams. Ifyougotorestaurants,everyoneissuchabeautiful,aspiringactororaspiringinfluencer. But trying to make it work out here is very tough.
When I’m in Korea obviously I don’t smoke weed, but I was dreamed of weed. I did some research and figured out that back in 1700s back or 1600s, 1800s, even before, a Christian missionaries came to Korea. People were smoking weed from then. We took references from that and incorporated traditional Korean line, art forms and stuff like that.
Nana: If you are going to do any collaborations with other brands or designers, it must match the vibes of your brand.
Dae Lim: Yes. Forinstance, if Givenchy askedustodoacollaboration,itwouldbeverydifficult,versusalessfamousbrand, Etro, IimmediatelyknowwhatIwanttodo. WecanusetempleartsfromKoreatoreimaginethatmodernize and so on. It’salotofintuitions.
Nana: Can you give us the most memorable collaboration experience that Sundea School has done?
Dae Lim: The craziest collaboration isprobably True Religionlastyear. Our first several collection was about God and whatnot. The collaboration with True Religion was basedonthestoryofGenesis, thefirstchapteroftheBible. So weneedsevenpairsofdenimforthesevendays.
It wasreallyawesomebecause workingwiththemgavemesomethingtolookforwardto. That’sliterallylikeadream.Youhavepeoplewhoaresogoodattheirjobs andthat’s whattheylovedoingandthat’swhattheydoeverydayversusforus. I’msureyouhavefeltthatwaybefore, like youhavetowearsomanyhatsanddomanythings. Soitkindofgaveareallycoolsenseofwhatbuildingafashionbrandactuallycouldbe.
Nana: Do you have any advice for our readers who are seeking to find a way to start their own business like you did or live freely just like you?
Dae Lim: Ithinkthisissuchan own advice. Iusedtobereallyafraidofchange whetherit’schangingmyroutineor anything, buttherearemanytimeswhenchangehappensforareason.And you can haveanopenmindtobeabletoexplore. Because ifeverythingstayedconstant, youwouldalsobeinaconstantstate.But growth,althoughisdifficult,issomethingthat shouldbewelcomed.
Rightnow, you can know things from social media, and in this world of more transparency. Therearesomanypeoplewhoaresodifferent. Whenweweregrowingup, wedidn’thaveaccesstothat. Wethoughtwhattheytaughtusinschool,orwhatourdadtoldus,that’stheonlyonetool.
IusedtoreallybesadthatIwassodifferent than everyone. Now,IcelebratemyselfandIlovemyselfordifferenceandIthinkespeciallyaswhenyouareyoung,itisreallyhardtoknowwhat’sright and what’swrong.Mymyoneanswertothatwouldbethere’snowhat’sright.It’swhat’srightforyou. Noonelives yourlife butyou.
Nana: Can you tell us about some of the most challenging experiences you have had?
Dae Lim: Ithinkthebiggestchallengeis since before I was doing things just myself and it’s much harder to control the outcome when you have other people, when there is a team.
I don’tpracticethisyet,butIthinkpracticingpatience is hard for me since I’m really impatient. I recently spoke with the founder of Gentle Monster, and he said that when you’re running a company, when you’re a CEO, people just think they have to go out and talk to other people who are top than them. But what’s even more important is talking to a team people who work with you and communicating or over communicating the vision and figuring out the steps together instead of telling them what exactly to do, figuring out what to do together is important.
When you’re a young new entrepreneur, you may think that that’s a waste of time. And I still sometimes think it is but honestly, you can’t expect the same outcome that, I can do this in 10 minutes, why you need to do this in an hour. But you can’t think like that and I’m learning this right now.