179 posts
“We develop a more diversified orientation, more multiple perspectives to think.” Interview with WODEN team
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“Just take everything that relate with us in daily life as inspiration” Interview with Kevin, the founder of Captaineast
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“With Botanist clothing, it’s like exploring possibilities in our city.” Interview with Waiman Li, the founder of BOTANIST
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“Diverse, genderless, and bold.” Interview with Damur Huang, the founder of #DAMUR
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“RESPECT PEOPLE OVER JOB TITLES” Interview with CELL , the founder of WHOOSIS
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“The brand attempted to reflect the very ‘I’ that one encounters and thinks about at specific moments” Interview with LEJE
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…
“We believe that the world of fashion and clothing should not operate with boundaries” Interview with HYST
Nana: Fashion has infinite pos…