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Interview with WANNAWONG, Designer of TAKARA WONG – “Never cease to improve yourself and your organization”

This is a new project in which we ask fashion designers from around Asia about their favorite local spots and the realities of street fashion and hip hop in their countries. Let’s find out about the up coming icons from the local culture scene where highly sensitive designers gather.

Nana : Nice to e-meet you ! So let me ask you about brand introductions

Wannawong : Yes. Takara Wong is inspired by different cultures and subcultures from all over the world. I, Thakorn Wannawong and Co-Designer Buncha Leekpan started Takara Wong in 2015. The brand’s philosophy revolves around the concept of “Trial and Error”, in which they experiment with different techniques and materials over and over again combined with aerodynamic sporty silhouette that could be worn time and time again. I believes that imperfections are what make things truly interesting, that is why the brand focuses on the underdogs of society and rebellious spirits. Whether exploring the underground punk culture, metal, or skateboarding culture. Takara Wong invites you on an open-minded journey through different subcultures in every collection.

Nana : That is amazing story. May I also ask your self introduction with your fashion career ?

Wannawong : I “Thakorn Wannawong” has always been interested in fashion and design since a very young age, and started to express myself by dressing up family members and later, designing clothing for my musician friends. A graduate from Bunka Fashion Academy in Thailand, Wannawong’s interest in music and subculture led him to found Takara Wong in 2015 along.. Takara Wong follows a Unisex, rebellious approach to design and concept-based philosophy of “Trial and Error”, with signature strong silhouettes and impeccable cutting.

Nana : What is your expectation about Thailand’s fashion scene ? Since Thailand fashion becomes mainstream at the moment.

Wannawong : Nowadays fashion in Thailand has drastically changed. People is provided with news and updates in real-time. Fashionistas can buy and adopt new trends right as they are launched. They can easily express their styles and authenticity to the world through social media. However, as the pandemic has been happening, some people has to work from home. So I think, now and in a near future, people would want to wear something sustainable and comfortable to put on times and times in daily life

Nana : Since TAKARA WONG’s item is a high-price as one of the top levels of luxury, who is your main target customer ?

Wannawong : I think both local and global. It depends on how they see their styles and identity fit TAKARA WONG’s and weave them together so they can wear them confidently. What they already have in their wardrobes can be mixed and matched with TAKARA WONG’s to supplement liveliness and express their authenticity through our clothes because TAKARA WONG is rock, rebellious, and confident to expose yourself.

Nana : Since CARNIVAL BKK and other stores have stockies as your brand, do you have any plans to have a boutique in other countries such as Japan, US, or Europe ?

Wannawong : Actually our brand was sold in well-known multi-brand stores in Japan, South Korea, France, China, and USA. I hope we can widen our market to Australia and the Middle East in the future.

Nana :What is your design inspiration coming from normally ?

Wannawong : Mostly, if not all, my inspiration comes from people around me, music, and movies which are accumulated through a long time span since I was a teenager. I’m thankful for everyone and everything. Those memories and experience, good or bad, have become my inspiration for my work today. I have a lot of those that I want to put in my work. They are so abundant. I don’t think I will ever use them all up.

Determination, belief, and authenticity are the first things to do.WANNAWONG FROM TAKAWA WONG

Nana : Are there any tips for success in the fashion industry ?

Wannawong : A tip for success is to not think that you are already succeed and never cease to improve yourself and your organization. Most importantly, I always say this in every interview, “determination, belief, and authenticity”. These 3 things are the first things to do. Be yourself. Have faith in what you are doing and about to do. When people see your work, they will see who you are and believe in your authenticity.

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