In this issue, we welcome Sch and discuss the starting point of the brand as well as the inspirations behind the brand’s designs. Also, this issue feautures the secret behind the name of the brand and how it became the brand it is today.
Nana : Can you gives us an introduction to Sch?
Sch. : Sch is the name of a clothing brand from Bandung, Indonesia. It was founded in 1997 by Arief Maskom, who was skateboarder and still studying in Art College at that time. Sch became one of the pioneers of Indonesia’s street wear brand, and also became a part of shaping street brand scene in Indonesia. Several years later, two additional members, Firman Firdaus and Rizki Yanuar joined to become partners in the company’s ownership. We wanted to create a product that is functionally good to wear and aesthetically nice to see, alongside the strong influence of skateboarding and other subculture scenes. We wanted to make a product as original as it could be. Even in the fashion industry, every aspect is often repeated through time, but with a fair perspective of being a designer, Arief Maskom always tried to avoid following or being disturbed by mainstream movement. The concept of the brand is emphasized by practicing the basic fundamentals of design, performing a commitment to responsible design that leads to the use of forms, colors, materials in balance as well as laying down personal idealistic and some experimental and fresh ideas to deliver a diverse output to tone up the market. In graphic design and in every printed matter, typography, numerical function, and light illustration are being used to generate simple artistic visual expression. On the other hand, apparel design is brought to a wider percentage to accentuate some experiments and innovative portions by composing geometric forms, certain color schemes, and a mixture of different materials. Themes change throughout time, but the concept of the brand is what keeps the journey on the right track to serving the social function of art and design.
Nana : Why did you initially create the brand and name it “Sch.”?
Sch. : In the early days, we registered our brand as “ouval research” but after several reviews and deeper thought about getting a fit and receivable name, we renamed our brand by abbreviating the word
“Research” to “Rsch”. But after a while the name “Rsch” could not be used for legal reasons, and then we renamed our brand again by cutting down the letter “R” to become “Sch” until now. The name “Sch” was chosen to affirm an easier sound, visually simple, and unique pronunciation. Our vision is to make this brand accepted without being constrained by geographical culture.
Nana : What are some of the inspirations behind the brand?
Sch. : Everything we see, we hear, we feel in our life can make our brain react to a certain behavior. Every product that has been made is the effect of our though being exposed by a variety of events; the creative process isn’t necessarily influenced by something that related directly to the product.
Nana : What is something that your brand value the most?
Sch. : Our brand value as a street brand is that we tend to have different communication and artistic expressions with visual clarity, diverse aesthetic form, and other elements, that create a solid marking
position that amplifies our identity as a brand.
Nana : In what way do you use social media as a platform to deliver your products and designs?
Sch. : Social media is one of many ways to deliver our message and vision by firing up our ideas and
preserving all the concepts to become visually interesting as an advertorial issue.
Nana : Can you tell us about some of the most challenging experiences you have had during the process of building your brand?
Sch. : Small steps lead to bigger things. This reference also applies to Sch’s early days, when the brand was sustained only by a small amount of funds and limited facilities. Using personal funds and sales revenues/sales earnings to fund expansion operations such as developing new products, building offices, building factories and opening stores.
Nana : Is there a particular artist, movie, place, book that you would recommend our readers to check for
Sch. : Every motivation book, bauhaus movement, swiss design, Tadao Ando books, dieter rams design,
Evan Hecox, Charles Eames etc.
Nana : Do you have any advice for our readers who are seeking to find a way to build a brand
like “Sch.”?
Sch. : The best approach is to build a brand on ideology and idealism. Keeping these values in mind and then implementing continuously.
Presenting a variety of products with updates or advancements while remaining true to the spirit or message that has been conceptualized. Passion and fresh ideas are essential, and sometimes being wild in a way of thinking is needed. That is what keeps the brand running for a longer period of time.
Small steps lead to bigger things.SCH.