In this new section of ASIAN VOICE, we feature Ryu, the editor-in-chief of the Korean fashion magazine. Focusing currently on K-POP and showing Korean pop culture in a new and artistic way, we look into Ryu’s mind and see how he views the industry.
Nana : Please give us an introduction about what kind of magazine “MAPS” is?
Ryu : MAPS is a magazine that introduces art and youth cultures spread around the world and introduces talented creators. It was first published in Seoul in 2006 and is currently producing K-POP’s artist content, which is Korea’s biggest feature.
Nana : Why did you initially decide to start MAPS?
Ryu : At that time, there were few magazines or media platforms published in Korea that contained fashion or cultural content. I also grew up watching foreign magazines. So I wanted to make a magazine published in Korea.
Nana : What is the most memorable project you have done for MAPS in the past?
Ryu : All the projects were meaningful, but I remember meeting the artists while traveling between New
York and LA with the staff to celebrate the 10th anniversary. I met many street artists.
Nana : What are the challenges you have faced working in the media/magazine industry?
Ryu : The ‘real’ influence of the media. Now, everyone can easily find the information they want and mankind is evolving, so the direction and color of each person are clear. I think that’s why each person finds more information they want and creates themselves rather than watching Media Roll. That’s why I think about the ‘real’ influence of the media. Where does the power of the media come from? And we need to provide and share more unique content.
Nana : Can you tell us about your typical day in the life?
Ryu : It’s very normal. I work, exercise, and enjoy drinking. And I go to the place where my friends are. I like
soju, whiskey, soccer, and friends.
Nana : What are your favorite spots in Korea?
Ryu : I like streets with ordinary people. All the streets are good. In particular, Hongdae and Konkuk University entrances, which have many people in their late teens and early 20s, are good.
Nana : Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? What do you hope to be doing?
Ryu : I want to be in a digital world without substance. I hope only my language is delivered from it. And I’m actually enjoying my vacation in Bali.
Nana : What kind of projects do you want to do with MAPS in the future?
Ryu : I want to make a school. A school where students teach teachers!
Nana : Is there a particular artist, movie, place, book that you would recommend our readers to check for
Ryu : I think all the art, movies, and places that each person likes are special. I like Larry Clark, Martin Parr, and so on. Bird Man is a good movie.
Nana : Do you have any advice for our readers who are seeking to build a career in the media/magazine
Ryu : I hope you value the perspective of ‘sincerity’ and ‘irregularity’.
“I like streets with ordinary people.”RYU FROM MAPS