Can you share the story of how you decide to start your brand and name it “Landmee”?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: From the start, I wanted to create clothes that I personally love and want towear. I started making clothing while I was still in school, and at first, I didn’t even havea brand name. Back then, people would just say they were buying clothes from ‘Meé.’When I eventually opened a store in Siam Square, many people already knew me byname, but I was afraid they wouldn’t realize it was my store. So, I wanted the brand to reflect that– Landmeé, meaning ‘Meé’s Land,’ a place that truly represents my world of fashion.
With elements of flowers, lace, and gauzy fabrics, how does Landmeé definefemininity? What kind of woman do you envision wearing Landmee’?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: To be honest, I’ve never defined what a ‘Landmeé woman’ should look like. I’ve never wanted to put a label on it because I believe anyone can wear Landmeé. I don’t want to set limitations– fashion should be for everyone. People can express different sides of themselves, and I don’t think it should be confined to a certain look, style, over gender.
Could you please share where you typically find your inspirations?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: I draw inspiration from everything around me– the environment, theexperiences I encounter, and most of all, music. Music has always been a major sourceof creativity for me, influencing the mood, emotions, and storytelling behind mydesigns
Could you share some of the current fashion trends emerging in Thailand?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: People have become more confident in expressing themselves through fashion. They’re embracing their individuality, experimenting with different styles, anddaring to wear what truly resonates with them. There’s a sense of freedom in how theydress now– they’re enjoying fashion in a more playful and fearless way.
Where do you see your brand in the next five years? Do you have any specificplans for expanding into the global market?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: Right now, we’re already selling internationally through online platforms. Wepreviously showcased at LA Fashion Week back in 2019, and we’re currently indiscussion about New York Fashion Week. If the opportunity arises, I’d love to be a partof it because I want more people to see Landmeé from a broader perspective.However, I don’t necessarily have a fixed five-year plan in that sense. For me, the mostfulfilling part is simply creating clothes that people love to wear–seeing others enjoywhat I’ve made is already more than enough.
What challenges have you faced while building Landmee’?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: Personally, I like to compete with myself–I always strive to be better thanI was yesterday and to keep growing. From the very beginning of starting mybrand, the biggest challenge was gaining recognition. Back then, my fatherdidn’t support my decision to pursue fashion, so I wanted to prove to myparents that I could do it–that designing clothes could not only support afamily but also bring me true happiness. Another important challenge wasearning the trust and appreciation of my customers, making them proud towear Landmeé.
What advice would you offer to individuals aspiring to establish their ownbusiness in the fashion industry?
Netdaw Vattanasimakon: Stay true to yourself, embrace your identity, and create something with aunique signature. Most importantly, have fun and love what you do–no matter what itis. The journey will always be complex and challenging, but if you start with passion,you won’t feel the exhaustion or discouragement along the way.
Have fun and love what you do–no matter what itis.