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Interview with Bowling, Founder of FRECKLED MARKET “New Concept to create size of apparel for small size worked out”

This is a new project in which we ask fashion designers from around Asia about their favorite local spots and the realities of street fashion and hip hop in their countries. Let’s find out about the up coming icons from the local culture scene where highly sensitive designers gather.

Nana : Nice to e-meet you ! How’s COVID-19 situation in Thailand. Is everything already all right ?

Bowling : Hi. Yeah I did vaccine already as a first injection. May I also know how you founded our brands from ?

Nana : I was just trying to search about the current Thailand fashion brands or store, which is kind of my main jobs. Then I found FRECKLED MARKET when I dig in coincidentally. First I thought this is coming from Korea, actually.

Bowling : Wow that is surprising. So FRCKLED MARKET is founded in 2017 when I was last year of university. I started it just for fun at first and never think that this will be a part of my life right now. First chapter of a FRECKLED MARKET, I just want to get my stuff of favorites by myself because my tall is small between 150-155cm. For me, it is hard to find pants that fit my size.

Nana : Did you learn fashion design on the university or any fashion-relate major to take ?

Bowling : No, I actually have learned by my self. I have taken Faculty of Fine Art, which is in exhibition major. But I I just were really interested about fashion and love clothes so much.

Nana : So you were starting FRECKLED as a hobby in first, and try to make some clothes for yourself, posting them on Instagram and now you have 50K+ followers on that!

Bowling : Yeah, thanks to our followers. I enjoy from the start because I do it just for fun, and do it because I like it. It’s quite simple as it is.

Nana : Can I know your self background briefly ?

Bowling : My name is bowling. I had graduated from Faculty of Fine, which is in exhibition major as I told you before, and I direct this brand all by myself. So I can express myself clearly.

Nana : So you don’t have any staff on your company to work for ?

Bowling : First and 2nd year , I did everything by myself. But now we have two staffs to work together

Nana :I see. I thought that would be more big size of the company that you created. I also heard from friend in Bangkok that it’s kind of trends to make some brands in Bangkok thus it’s really competitive market at the moment. Do you have any insight for movement of creating brands in Bangkok or fashion culture ?

Bowling : There is many potential of Thai designers as they’re still quite young and talented. A lots of people have talented skills and I want Thai people to support each other as becoming supportive community. I think it is important as Thai people value our Thai product like comparing they purchase stuff from foreign countries.

Nana : I see. Is it standard way that Thai people buy local products ?

Bowling : Yes it is in nowadays. And I want Thai brand to use our resources in Thailand to support all this previous work as what Thai workers did.

Nana : Nice way of seeing that. Talking about the concept of FRECKLED MARKET, it’s inspired by retro which I can imagine like around 1990’s. Do you have like any inspiration from this era or you haven’t felt any of the idea of retro style as an concept ?

Bowling :I think our brand is not rhetorician as I barely know about the retro fashion. But my inspiration is depends on my everyday. I wear I have been what I want to wear what I am really interested at this time around me can be is for me.

Nana : The reason why I asked it because as I said I thought FRECKLED MARKET comes from South Korea as I could see many brands style is similar like what you are doing, that was retro-features. And this is quite high trend in both Japan and Korea too including architecture and interior.

Bowling: I see ! I did that because I love color for since I was young. I love when many colors are all in together.

Nana : I see. Is it is the common way of using various of colors into 1 design in Thailand I assume ?

Bowling : No really! I don’t think Thai people love to wear many colors to be honest. They always wear like black/white But FRECKLED MARKET want to express that wearing colors only for a special occasion is not an option and you can brighten up your day by writing colorful clothes, and it is more fun to create new look with the same piece.

Nana : What’s the main target of FRECKLED MARKET ?

Bowling : Our main target is students especially female or person who got on the first job. But as I told you before, first purpose of my brand is to make clothes for short people.

Nana : Yes. So your initial target was more based on the heights she/he has.

Bowling : Yeah, but after that I have more variety customers so not just only for the shorter customer anymore. have to learn more about that Asian size and trying to make them buying repeatedly over and over not just like one or two times.

Wearing colors only for a special occasion is not an option and you can brighten up your day by writing colorful clothesBOWLING FROM FRECKLED MARKET

Nana : Are you also familiar with Korea fashion market as seeing FRECKLET MARKET’s design remind me of Korea fashion style.

Bowling : I love Korean fashion and culture! I consume a lot of Korean foods haha.

Nana : That’s nice. This was just my personal feelings that Thailand and Korea style is quite similar in nowadays.

Bowling :I think that is because Thai people follow Korean and Japanese fashion.

Nana : That is why. Is FREKCLED MARKET’s customer mainly from Thailand or do you have any other country you are dealing with ?

Bowling: Our main customer are basically from local but I want to go abroad definitely since the culture and style is really mixed now. I wish FREKCLED MARKET try to reach for global customer bases soon!

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