In this issue of ASIAN VOICE, we welcome the founder of AKKARA from Thailand. AKKARA’s designs draw inspiration from ancient Thai characters that symbolize good fortune, seamlessly blending them with contemporary Thai pop culture. This approach enables the brand to break free from convention and establish a unique style that is truly its own. The brand’s products offer a captivating glimpse into the alluring world of Thai culture and language, allowing us to immerse ourselves in their unique charm and beauty. In the fast-paced world of fashion, AKKARA stays relevant by consistently renewing and expanding its knowledge, ensuring that its products always cater to a diverse audience.
AKKARA: The inspiration of our design is from an old Thai font on paper bags that have been used in the past with auspicious words or phrases so our first collection was to create something that using the auspicious words or phrases such as Sati(be calm), ChokDee(good luck), etc. The difference between our brand and others is the meaning of the words or phrases that we have been use for the design which depends on the contemporary situation, various festivals, Thai pop culture, also collaboration with influencers or famous people at that time which allows us to continuously create works that are not fixed and have no definite framework.
AKKARA: Thai Font, Simplicity, Contemporary.
AKKARA: Fashion is something that moving fast and can be changed all time, so we need to be fast as well. Our biggest challenge is to make it according to the trends and customer’s needs at that time. We have a very short working time to think, design, create and produce.This is why we needs to be alert and keep things fresh all the time.
AKKARA: We have various target groups of customers, mostly teenagers, and adults. Each generation of people has different preferences which is the reason why our brand has various types of design that can match any generation as trendy words are for teenagers, auspicious words are for a group of adults and elderly people, so they can buy our products as souvenirs or for themselves. Therefore, allows our store to attract our customers very well.
AKKARA: Our brand is following trends like other brands but we have our own identity and passions. So, we combine them to create a new product for our customer’s needs. We never stop developing ourselves and always learn something new and think out of the box to communicate to customers, the production team, and various suppliers to find the problem and solve it together.
AKKARA: Our short-term goal is to open our pop-up store in Thailand for expanding the business. For the long-term, we will still work following the trend and create a new collection for every festive event to make our brand more recognizable. I think our team is a very important thing for me to achieve the plan, we always brainstorm for adjusting and creating something new together and we keeping up the internal and international trends of the marketing in tourism industry.
AKKARA: In the first year of our business, we had collaborated with an influencer named “Nhoo Rat” (One of the famous influencers in Thailand) she has been known by her comedy way of talking and it went viral. Once, our brand took her words to screen on the products, such as T-shirts, it makes Akkara and Nhoo Rat are well-known even more because the product was satisfied by our former and new customers. Therefore, this project made more people know both of us.
AKKARA: About social media, we use Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and twitter to connect the customers. Instagram is the main media to share our promotions and information as our customers are based on it mostly. However, there are several types of customer that use different social media platforms, so we try to do a marketing on many channels to reach every group of customer.
We never stop developing ourselves and always learn something new and think out of the box.